Huevos Rancheros

Happy belated new year! Hope everyone is having a great start of the new year.DSC_2187We are already an entire week into the new year! Like what, how?DSC_2191Today I´m bringing you guys an easy, fast, healthy and delicious meal! Huevos Rancheros is a Mexican breakfast, usually you fry the tortilla and then pile on salsa, beans and a fried egg top.DSC_2192First of all, I could never eat this kind of food for breakfast. Way to heavy for me, I rarely eat breakfast anyway cause I have zero appetite in the mornings, so I usually drink lots of water for breakfast and then eat an early lunch or brunch really.. So this is perfect for brunch or dinner, at least for me! DSC_2193Second I can`t say this is authentic, but who cares when the flavors are so on point?! Basically you make a simple tomato sauce, add black beans, then you make small wells that you crack eggs in. Add your toppings and tada.. Meal done!DSC_2202And to all of you guys with new years resolutions to eat healthy I got you covered. My new years resolution you ask? To keep on never making new years resolution! I mean who at the end of the year looks back and goes «yeah, totally kept my resolutions»? No one! At least no one I know or heard of!

Basically by not making any resolutions nobody is disappointed at the end of the year.. Like if you gain a couple of pounds during the year thats fine cause you weren’t trying to not gain any weight.. What you lost some weight? Go ahead and celebrate that unexpected surprise with cake! Yepp those are som serious life lessons for y’all.. Your welcome!DSC_2212Now that I`m done spewing BS lets get down to cooking.. DSC_2218

Huevos Racheros
4 servings

1 small onion
4 tbs olive oil
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
3 tbs coriander stalks, finely chopped
1 red chile
2 cloves garlic
1 tbs cumin freshly ground
1 ts smoked paprika
1 tbs sweet paprika
1 can tomatoes
2 cans black beans
4 eggs

Heat a large skillet over medium heat with the olive oil and add finely chopped onion. Cook for about a minutes add the chopped green and red pepper, chile and garlic. Add the smoked paprika and the sweet paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Cook this for about 5 minutes until the pepper and onions are soft. Add the canned tomatoes, fill the empty can with water and add to the sauce. Simmer for 10 more minutes.

Add the beans, stir and cook for another 5 minutes. Make four small grooves in the skillet and crack an egg in each. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for about 3-5 minutes depending on how you like your eggs.

Serve with corn tortilla and sliced avocado and sprinkle some coriander and spring onion thinly sliced at an angle on top.


Huevos Rancheros
Ca. 4 porsjoner

1 liten løk
4 ss olivenolje
1/2 rød paprika 
1/2 grønn paprika
3 ss koriander stilker 
1 rød chile
2 hvitløk fedd 
1 ss spisskummen nykvernet
1 ts røkt paprika
1 ss paprika pulver 
1 boks hakket tomater 
2 bokser svarte bønner
4 egg

Til å servere:
Mais tortilla lefser

Fres løk i en stor stekepanne i over middels i ett minutt, tilsett finhakket paprika, chilli og hvitløk, røkt og søt paprika, spisskummen, salt og pepper. Fres dette i ca 5 minutter til løk og paprika er blank og myk.

Tilsett hermetiske tomater, fyll den tomme boksen med vann og tilsett i sausen. La det småkoke i 10 minutter til. Tilsett bønner, rør og kok i ytterligere 5 minutter. Lage fire små groper i panne og knekk et egg i hver. Dekk stekepanne med lokk og kok i ca 3-5 minutter avhengig av hvordan du liker eggene.

Serveres med mais tortilla, avocado i skiver, grovhakket koriander og vårløk skjært litt på skrå i skiver.

DSC_2207And did I mention this is an affordable meal for those of you who blew their wallets over the holidays? Cause it is..



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